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The North Transept Window

THIS WINDOW, the gift of the late Lord Dewar, along with its counterpart in the South transept, forms an integral part of the War Memorial scheme whereby the restoration of the Church commemorated the men who gave their lives in the First World War. The subject is four Biblical prophetesses.

On the left is Deborah, robed in green. She was the prophetess who "dwelt under the palm tree" and who inspired Barak to go forth and deliver Israel from Jabin and Sisera. The panel underneath shows the Children of Israel standing before Deborah for judgment.

Next is Huldah, in red. In the reign of King Josiah she prophesied the destruction of Jerusalem. The panel beneath shows Hilkiah the High Priest burning the vessels of Baal.

The third panel depicts the prophetess Miriam, the elder sister of Moses and Aaron. Robed in blue, timbrel in hand, it was she who sang the song of praise to the Lord after the destruction of the Egyptians: "Sing ye to the Lord for He hath triumphed gloriously." Underneath are the divided waters of the Red Sea.

The right hand light shows a prophetess from the New Testament, Anna, who recognised the Messiah in the Infant Jesus, when His parents brought Him into the Temple for presentation to the Lord. In the panel underneath is the wed Simeon who also recognised the Messiah, and holding Him in his arms blessed Him before his parents: "Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart in peace."

The traceried head of the window shows the Virgin and Child with the Crown and Cross on either side and with the signs of Alpha and Omega surrounded by angelic figures.

As in the Great West Window it will be noticed that Herbert Hendrie, the artist, has taken great pains to admit the maximum of light to the Church, hence the large amount of pearly background glass.


From the a publication by the Society of Friends of St John's Kirk

Illustrated Notes on the Stained Glass Windows and the Mediaeval Silver of the Kirk - published in 1956

- with additional photography by Andrew Mitchell -

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