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Sixth Battalion Black Watch Window

This memorial window, which was designed by William Wilson, R.S.A., Edinburgh, consists of two lights and tracery, and has, as its main theme, two figures, one in the full dress uniform of The Black Watch, with scarlet tunic, feather bonnet and claymore; the other in khaki battle-dress with kilt, bearing respectively the Queen's and the Regimental Colours. They are supported symbolically by, on one side, Michael, Captain of the Warrior Angels, bearing on his shield the Scales of Divine Justice, and vanquishing the Serpent of the Forces of Evil, and, on the right-hand side, by Andrew, the fisherman Apostle, Christian Martyr and Patron Saint of Scotland.

The Badge of The Black Watch appears in the lower part of the window along with the Croix de Guerre, awarded by France to the 6th Battalion in the First World War. These two emblems are bound together by the Scottish thistle and the motto: ‘Nemo me impune lacessit.’

In the tracery, together with names of campaigns associated with the 6th Battalion-Dunkerque, Tunisia, Cassino, Greeceare three shields bearing the Arms of H.M. Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, Colonel-in-Chief of the Regiment, the Lion Rampant of Scotland and the Holy Lamb bearing the Banner of St Andrew - part of the Arms of the City of Perth.

Beneath the window and carved in the stonework are the words: "To the Glory of God and in honoured memory of the officers and men of the 6th Battalion The Black Watch (R.H.R.) who gave their lives in The Second World War, 1939-45."


From the a publication by the Society of Friends of St John's Kirk

Illustrated Notes on the Stained Glass Windows and the Mediaeval Silver of the Kirk - published in 1956

- with additional photography by Andrew Mitchell -

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