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8. Can John the Baptist’s role be relevant today?

Christianity is not just good views, it is good news: God’s plan to sort the world by sorting individuals by His grace which we receive by faith, filling us with His love which then overflows to others.

It is the record of God in action, operational - …. in making the universe using the laws of science and nature; …. in coming into the world in Jesus experiencing life in a refugee family in an occupied country which we celebrate at Christmas; …. in raising Jesus from the dead in the resurrection which we celebrate at Easter; …. in the lives of all those who receive Jesus into their lives through the Holy Spirit.

“For Christ’s love controls us,

because we are convinced that one died for all...

that those who live should no longer live for themselves

but for Him who died for them and was raised again.”

2 Corinthians 5

The Church's mission continues in both in our own community and further afield today. The local churches are active in support of the Perth Foodbank and the work of the Perth Street Pastors as well as the many projects being undertaken by Christian Aid.

The image (above) of John the Baptist, a voice crying in the wilderness, is found in the Kirk's Great East Window.

The prophetic voice needs to be heard, the call needs to be carried. It will be a challenge addressed to each of us, as individuals and as a community.

We are all aware of events in our own lives that need to be changed and to be touched by the power of God’s forgiveness. We all need to be challenged by the word of the Lord. We do not have to go to the desert to hear the word of God; we hear it here, in this place, in the city.

Hearing it and acting on it is the best preparation for the one who is to come.

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